

Mari Katayama片山真理

home again

curated by Simon Baker

10:00 - 18:00|Closed: 9/29, 10/6, 13

Adult ¥800
Students ¥600 (Please present your student ID)

* Admission accepted 30 mins before the venue closes.

in the water #001, 2019 © Mari Katayama

25 days in tatsumachi studio / 鈴木薬局 眼鏡部 Suzuki Pharmacy Optometry #002, 2015 © Mari Katayama

bystander #016, 2016 © Mari Katayama

Mari Katayama “home again”
©︎ Takeshi Asano-KYOTOGRAPHIE 2020

Mari Katayama’s KYOTOGRAPHIE 2020 solo show home again features her latest series in the water along with a chronological selection of past works. Katayama, whose legs were partially amputating at age nine due to a congenital affliction, first came to prominence with her self-portraits using hand-sewn models of her own body. More recent works have expanded upon such body-based imagery with depictions of damaged sites like the Ashio Copper Mine near her hometown in Gunma prefecture. Winner of this year’s prestigious 45th Kimura Ihei Award, KYOTOGRAPHIE is proud to present this acclaimed artist’s much anticipated first Japan solo show since 2017.
Mari Katayama
Born 1987 in Gunma prefecture. In 2012, completed postgraduate studies in Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts. Fond of sewing since early childhood but suffering a congenital affliction that necessitated partially amputating her legs at age 9, she began creating self-portraits using hand-sewn objects and adorned prosthetics. In 2011, she began a series of High Heel Project performances in which her shoes modeled and sang on stage. Major exhibitions include the 58th Venice Biennale (2019), Broken Heart (White Rainbow Gallery, London, 2019), Photographs of Innocence and of Experience-Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.14(Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2107), on the way home (Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, 2017), Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2016) and the Aichi Triennale 2013 (Aichi Arts Center, Nagoya, 2013). She has published the monograph Gift (Tokyo: United Vagabonds, 2019), and honours include the 2019 Higashikawa New Photographer Award and the 2020 45th Kimura Ihei Prize.
Higashinotoin Nishikita kado, Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Subway Karasuma or Tozai Line “Karasuma Oike” station. Exit 1

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